
May 1, 2015

Another Dove Nest

Happy Friday!!!

Can you believe we have another Dove nest?  On Tuesday afternoon I had noticed a bird working feverishly and made the comment that it was probably building a nest and forgot about it.  Yesterday  we saw all of the little twigs on the patio and the plants.  Can you imagine how long it must take to gather so many little twigs?  And I want to know, was it the mom or the dad making the nest?  Probably the mom, right?  :)

Looks like she found a safe place to make her nest.  Thank goodness she is out of the rain so we won't be worrying every time it rains like we did with the first one.

Naturally, I got my camera out to take some photos.  Well she decided she didn't like me looking at her because she flew out and scared the bejeezus out of me!!!  She flew to the fence and her partner flew to meet her.  They were making all kinds of noise.  I ran into the house for fear of being attacked...on my own patio!!!  Here's the photo I was in the process of taking when she flew out.

It should be interesting trying to power wash near that area.  :)  I'll leave that to the hubs!

I am sad to say that the baby Dove that was born earlier in the week has died.  We checked on it yesterday and the mother (or father) had carted it off.  There is still an egg in the nest.  I am concerned because there isn't a parent sitting on the remaining egg.  I don't have any experience with this.  Is this normal?  Will the egg hatch by itself?

Do you have any big plans for the weekend?  We will be power washing the patio and surrounding area of the pool so we can get everything clean.  I am looking forward to putting out the new rug I picked up last weekend at Sam's.  I can't wait to show you.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend where ever you are!!!

Take care,


1 comment:

  1. hahaha I would love to see video of you running away from a bird! :-P
