
Showing posts with label Camera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Camera. Show all posts

Oct 14, 2015

My New Camera

I shared with you here that I had dropped my camera and it was no longer working.  I have been using our Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi in the meantime while my camera was sent off to be repaired.  Don't get me wrong, the Rebel takes great photos.  Amazing photos.  However, it does require you to think a bit more about the process of taking a photo, etc., etc.  I prefer a point and shoot camera where it does the work for me.  It also makes it easier to get the shots of the grandkids as they are moving about.

The day after we went to Crystal Beach I got a phone call from the service department saying that my camera could not be repaired and they were sending me a check for reimbursement.  (I had purchased the three year extended warranty.)  I was so bummed.  I loved my camera and had been using it for two years.  It took excellent photos and great videos.  I had purchased my camera from Sam's Club so even though I was getting reimbursed I knew it would in no way pay for a similar camera for that price.  :(

The hubs immediately started asking me if I was ready to go buy a new camera.  STOP!  If you know me, you know that I DO NOT rush out to make a purchase, any purchase.  I like to do my research and make sure I am getting exactly what I want at the best price.  It doesn't matter what it is.  That's my personality.  He is just the opposite.  He's ready to go right then and make a purchase.

So I started doing my research comparing new models to what I already had with my old point and shoot to make sure I got the features that were important to me.  After spending a couple of hours looking on line he was ready to go to Best Buy.  About this time I'm getting cranky.  I knew his intentions were good.  I was  just overwhelmed at the cost of the cameras considering I am still unemployed.  I was mad at myself for dropping my camera and grateful at the same time I had purchased the extended warranty.  Bring on the headache!!!

I decided to go to Under the Sycamore to see what point and shoot cameras Ashley recommended.  She is a professional photographer that teaches online photography courses.  She takes amazing photos.

One of the cameras she suggested was the Canon PowerShot G16.  Lucky for me Best Buy had one left and it was on sale.  :)  I was quite happy.  I have a lot to learn about it, but in the meanwhile I can still take some really great photos.  

Here are a few photos I have taken with my new camera.

Isn't it crazy the difference between these two hibiscus plants.  One flower is a faded pink while the other is a very deep color.  These photos are untouched.

And again, I did not photo shop these photos.  This is the real deal.

I love how our bougainvilleas are finally blooming.  I won't cut them back like I did last year.  No siree!  It took them way too long to grow back.

I love these pumpkins we found at Lowe's.  I think they are adorable.  I especially love Brooke's idea of placing them on the back wall of the pool.

Now tell me what do you think of my new camera?  Do you agree with me that it takes great photos?

So after we got home from Best Buy I asked the hubs why he was so intent on me getting a new camera that day.  He said because I knew you would need a new camera for our upcoming trip to take photos for your blog.  How sweet is that?  And did I mention he paid for the entire thing?  He is a really great guy and is definitely a keeper.

And just in case you are wondering....yes, I did get the extended warranty.

Take care,

