
Mar 1, 2016

Weekend Recap

The hubs and I kept the kiddos on Friday night so Tiffani could have some fun time for herself. :)   The moms from the gymnastics team got together to go to a painting class.  As Tiffani said "she had a blast".  I can imagine...after four days of intense potty training!  And home schooling!!!  Crazy, right?  She is such an awesome mom!

I didn't get many photos as I was on "potty duty".  I was resetting the timer on my phone every 15 minutes to ask Mr. W if he needed to go potty.  I am very happy to report that he didn't have one accident and he started this this past Tuesday.  Pretty remarkable if I say so myself.

Now there were quite a few times I had to chase him around the table to take him to the restroom.  Ms. A was a sweetie and would catch him for me if he was on her side.  I am sure I annoyed him by asking so often but I didn't want to get distracted and forget to ask him.  This meant I had to keep him in my sight at all times.  Something I am not accustomed to as he normally moves freely about our home.  I wanted to make sure he didn't go into hiding to "do his thing".  Ha ha!  Everything went great.

A perk of staying at Maw Maw and Paw Paw's house is getting Shipley Donuts for breakfast and being able to eat on trays in the family room.  Ms. A has graduated to the lap tray while Sweet P and Mr. W are still using the bed trays on the floor.  Every once in a while there are accidents but none on this day.

I love using our Disney cups from past trips to Disney World for their milk.  They can close the lid so if they knock it over it doesn't spill.  Hopefully!

Tiffani was so appreciative of her time away she gifted me with this sweet painted and monogramed Christmas tree.  How cute is that?  I am truly blessed to have such a loving family.

I don't have a pic of the the mason jar she painted.  It turned out super cute!

Other than that, we helped Brooke decorate her office at work, brought my Easter decor down from the attic, fertilized the yard and changed out the lights on the patio.  This was a first for us...we still had the icicle lights (yes we were those people!) hanging on the patio.  I had to order clips to replace the ones we had up as they were dry rotted.  We were afraid they would all break so we waited until the order came in and changed them out.  How embarrassing, right?

Hope you had a great weekend!



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