
Jun 5, 2019

Sweet P's Book Corner

Hi my name is Sweet P and I would like to give you a summary of what I thought about the book "Because of the Rabbit by Cynthia Lord".

On the last day of summer vacation Emma is having dinner with her family when her dad receives a call to rescue a wild rabbit.  You see, her dad is the Maine Game Warden and he gets lots of calls to rescue animals in danger.  This time he is going to rescue a wild rabbit from a picket fence, only when they get there they find a little bunny in the fence.   After they got the bunny out of the fence they bring it home.  They were hoping to find the Bunny's home but they didn't.  So Emma thought of a name for it.  She was calling the bunny Lapi after her Grandpa's stories.  The rabbit in his stories was Monsieur Lapin so that is how Emma got Lapi's name.

Emma had always been homeschooled and she was going into 5th grade.  Emma's first day of Public School wasn't what she was hoping for.  She soon brings Lapi to school for a project and finds out she really does have a true best friend after all.

Now for what I thought about the book.  I think it was really sad in some parts but in all the happy parts it was really happy and enjoyable at the same time.  To me it was one of those books that was so enjoyable I couldn't put it down.  It meant a lot to me because this year was my first year of public school as I have always been homeschooled like Emma.   I just finished fourth grade and I had a hard time making friends so it reminded me that I wasn't the only one that has had that problem. Over all it is one of the best books I have read yet.

Take care,

Sweet P

Sweet P loaned me this book to read while we were in Colorado.  I loved the book.  As Sweet P said in her review, there are some very sad parts and some really happy parts.  All in all, I think its so true to life.  I loved that Emma gave great details of the many stories her grandparents shared with her.  And yes, I was in tears as I finished reading it.

Take care and happy reading,



Reading Level 4
Appeals to 4th-6th Graders

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